Tuesday, November 18, 2008

reflection # 10

I don't know if it was this week that we learned about this, but in the Marizano book we learned about what affects student learning. There was a pie chart and a very small portion of the circle (about 10%) was teachers. A bigger portion of the circle was social and the largest portion of the circle was the children's culture. I know this to be for the most part true since I grew up in an inner city where only a small percentage was white. This made me think as a future teacher and I realized that I won't be able to break through a lot of the kids, since their culture is such a huge part in their life. As a result of knowing this, I'm not going to slack off at all as a teacher and think that I will never be able to have an impact on their life, but I will try my hardest to accept every students and be willing to work with them and to make a difference in some of their lives.. 

This week we also started our lesson plan for our 6th grade lesson. My group is a lot of fun to work with and I have high hopes for our group. It will be a lot of fun! We chose to teach the students on marketing techniques and design elements. We chose this because we feel that people should be informed members of society and recognize pricing of name brands versus generic brands. Also for the students to know what goes into a good design.

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